Air Pollution

New Studies Say That Severe Air Pollution May Cause Birth Defects

Particulate matter in the atmosphere – Both PM 2.5 and PM 10 can be really harmful. New Studies have found that Air Pollution May Cause Birth defects and fatalities during pregnancy. The study was conducted on mice and the outcome really alarmed the researchers.

Researchers from Texas A&M University in the US have stated that fine particulate matter that mostly consists of Ammonium Sulphate can have adverse effects if exposed to for a longer period of time. Breathing high level of pollutants is now really common to everyone on the planet. Winter months in India and China especially get severely hazy due to which frequent occurrence of fine particulate matter at a heightened quantity of around several hundred microgrammes per cubic meter is witnessed. 

Severe Air Pollution May Cause Birth Defects:

Renyi Zhang, a professor at Texas A&M University recently said that “People typically believe that ammonium sulfate may not be terribly toxic, but our results show large impacts on female pregnant rats.” He added that as of now it’s a little unclear as to what is causing these profound effects but he is speculating that the size of nanoparticles that can result in acidity might be the ultimate culprit. 

Since Ammonium is derived from ammonium – A product usually found all around agricultural, automobile and animal emission and Sulphate from coal burning that is a major energy source for both developed and developing countries may bring this issue into global, worldwide perspective. 

Fetus survival rates are fast decreasing: 

Guoyao Wu – A distinguished professor at Texas A&M University has said that “Our results show that prenatal exposure to air pollution may not dispose offspring to obesity in adulthood.” A lot of old studies have shown that air pollution is a serious health threat everywhere. Million of people are breathing air that is way below the standards set by WHO. These studies have also proven that pollution impairs metabolism and immunity in animal offsprings. However, the recent study shows definitive proof that fetus survival rates will be decreased.  It will also shorten gestation rates which will result in smaller body weight, damage to brain, hearts and other organs. 

These findings have brought to the foreground a concern that will skew a multi-scale challenge to various health-related organizations. Severe Air Pollution May Cause Birth defects and it is alarming since there is no solution to it right away. 

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Deepshikha Deb

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