Mumbai Indeks Kualitas Udara (AQI) | India

PM2.5, PM10 polusi udara waktu-nyata di Maharashtra

Pembaharuan Terakhir: 27 Jul 2024, 02:31pm

Mumbai MODERATE aqi boy Mumbai MODERATE aqi boy Mumbai MODERATE aqi boy

Kota Paling Berpolusi di India

Kota Paling Sedikit Terpolusi di India

Eksposur Perbandingan dengan Mumbai

24 hrs avg AQI




Polutan Udara Utama di Mumbai

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Carbon mono oxide icon
236 (CO)

PM2.5 1.2X

Konsentrasi PM2.5 saat ini dalam Mumbai adalah 1.2 times above batas yang direkomendasikan yang diberikan oleh nilai pedoman kualitas udara 24 jam WHO.

Mumbai - Lokasi Tingkat Polusi Udara

LOKASI Status AQI-US AQI-IN PM2.5 PM10 Temp Humid
Vile Speaks West GOOD 47 51 11 51 29 81
Nmmc Airoli GOOD 36 39 0 39 29 77
Worli GOOD 25 18 6 18 29 83
Bandra POOR 107 102 38 103 29 83
Sion MODERATE 63 44 18 44 29 81
Powai GOOD 35 38 8 38 29 81
Colaba GOOD 21 19 5 19 29 83
Mahape MODERATE 97 97 34 97 29 77
Borivali East MODERATE 63 57 18 57 29 79
Kurla MODERATE 64 81 13 81 29 81
Vasai West MODERATE 57 61 15 61 29 80
Mumbai Us Consulate MODERATE 57 25 15 0 29 81
Chhatrapati Shivaji Intl. Airport MODERATE 80 69 26 69 29 81
Nerul GOOD 50 48 12 48 29 81
Malad GOOD 20 22 4 22 29 83
Juhu MODERATE 61 66 17 66 29 81
Vile Parle West MODERATE 55 62 14 62 29 81
Bandra East MODERATE 63 49 18 49 29 81
Mazgaon GOOD 27 29 0 29 29 83
Khindipada Bhandup West MODERATE 53 34 13 34 29 81
Navy Nagar Colaba MODERATE 61 41 17 41 29 83
Bandra Kurla Complex POOR 179 266 110 211 29 81
Borivali East MPCB MODERATE 57 67 7 67 29 81
Deonar MODERATE 53 22 13 21 29 81

Kondisi Cuaca di Mumbai

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Matahari terbit
Matahari terbenam
06:26 AM
06:26 PM
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Wind speed

33 km/h

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UV Index


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800 mb

Saran Kesehatan Untuk Mumbai

Cara melindungi diri dari polusi udara di sekitar Mumbai, India?
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Pakai Masker

Yg dibutuhkan
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Tetap di dalam ruangan

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Tetap Dekat
use a purifier icon

Gunakan Pemurni

Yg dibutuhkan
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Izinkan Luar Ruangan

Mumbai Prakiraan Kualitas Udara








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AQI Kalender

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Least Polluted Cities in India

Comparative Exposure with Mumbai

24 hrs avg AQI




FAQ dari Mumbai Indeks Kualitas Udara

(Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan)

Jawaban cepat untuk beberapa pertanyaan umum tentang polusi udara Mumbai.

Kualitas udara waktu nyata di Mumbai adalah 59 (MODERATE) AQI sekarang. Ini terakhir diperbarui 10 minutes ago .

Konsentrasi PM2.5 saat ini dalam Mumbai adalah 18 (µg/m³). Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) merekomendasikan 15 µg/m³ sebagai konsentrasi ambang batas PM2.5 selama 24 jam rata-rata. Saat ini, konsentrasinya adalah 0.72 kali batas yang disarankan.

Secara umum kualitas udara pada Mumbai mulai memburuk pada akhir Oktober. Musim dingin adalah musim yang paling parah terkena polusi udara.

Anda harus memakai masker N95 yang baik saat Anda pergi ke luar ruangan Mumbai sampai AQI membaik hingga kisaran sedang.

Orang yang pergi ke kantor harus menghindari kendaraan pribadi dan menggunakan transportasi umum atau carpooling.

(i) Penyebab utama polusi udara luar ruangan adalah partikel padat dan cair yang disebut aerosol & gas dari emisi kendaraan, aktivitas konstruksi, pabrik, pembakaran jerami & bahan bakar fosil, dan kebakaran hutan, dll.

(ii) Penyebab utama polusi udara dalam ruangan adalah gas berbahaya dari bahan bakar memasak (seperti kayu, limbah tanaman, arang, batu bara dan kotoran), lembab, asap jamur, bahan kimia dari bahan pembersih, dll.

Polusi udara dalam ruangan di Mumbai sama berbahayanya dengan polusi luar ruangan, karena polusi udara masuk ke dalam rumah atau bangunan melalui pintu, jendela dan ventilasi.

Di Mumbai , Anda harus menggunakan pembersih udara atau mesin udara segar di rumah atau kantor dalam ruangan dan menutup semua pintu, jendela dan ventilasi ketika indeks kualitas udara luar (aqi) di Mumbai sangat tinggi. Ventilasi yang tepat sangat disarankan hanya jika kualitas udara luar ruangan membaik dan kisaran AQI sedang.

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How is the financial capital of India emerging as one of the emerging hotspots of air pollution?

Also known as Bombay, and a financial center, it is the largest city in India. It is situated on the west coast of India and is known as the heart of the Indian Bollywood industry. In Mumbai, the problem of air pollution is relatively new and has spiked only in the last decade. Industrial, vehicular, and construction pollutants pollute the air of Mumbai, which has a population of about 12 million people. Although it is not as bad as Delhi's air, it can occasionally hit those dangerous levels.

What are the causes of deteriorating air quality in Mumbai over the last decade?

Particulates (PM2.5 & PM10), as well as nitrogen dioxide (NO2), have been identified as significant pollutants for a variety of health effects, including congestion, shortness of breath, coughing, and nasal congestion, as well as disorders including seasonal allergies, pneumonia, and chronic bronchitis. pollution levels are lower in the summer than in the winter, assuming that the geographical and climatic conditions remain the same. During the winter afternoons, you can see a similar phenomenon. The temperature rise has resulted in a minor reduction in pollutants. The worst times are early mornings and late nights. The impact of the inversion can be seen, which is why air quality suffers during these hours.

Sources of Air Pollution in Mumbai

Mumbai has the world's largest slum area. A survey found that fuel used for domestic uses in the slums of Mumbai contributed about 27% to its pollution levels. Industrial and power plant emissions account for about 36% of the total pollution, accompanied by biofuels.

Traffic emissions: Road transport is responsible for 80% of Mumbai's carbon emissions. Vehicles must be inspected every 6 to 8 months by more pollution under control (PUC) facilities. Supposedly, through the state's new comprehensive sustainable energy strategy, a cash for clunkers program for old cars will assure a transition to renewable fuels, and increased use of non-motorized transportation, and e-vehicles.

Paved and Unpaved Road Dust: Nearly, 71% of particulates in Mumbai's air are due to population growth. A construction site-specific Air Quality Monitoring Plan is essential for sharing data about poor air quality.

Landfills and waste burning: Each day 7,000-7,500 metric tonnes of solid garbage is created by Mumbai. Toxic fumes can be potentially hazardous to the area surrounding the landfills for up to 5-10 kilometers. Apart from that, the smoke from waste burning can travel up to a radius of 15 kilometers, making the air toxic to breathe. 78% of persons living near the landfill area may be seriously contaminated by foul odors associated with the garbage site.

Metro and flyover construction: The continuous construction of Metro train lines is producing significant dust pollution among the different construction operations taking place in Mumbai these days, according to results given to the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation by the World Resources Institute (BMC). Suspended dust is caused by the construction of Mumbai metro projects, which accounts for about 3%. Construction works are responsible for nearly 8% of overall particulates emissions.

Health impacts of air pollution on Mumbai residents

1. Vehicular and Traffic Emissions: As the population rises, so does the number of vehicles on the road. This will create traffic jams and congestion resulting in a higher amount of pollutants in the air. They emit toxic pollutants like particulate matter, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, etc. These have the potential to induce heart disease, exacerbate asthma, harm the central nervous system, and make breathing difficult. Lung infection and cancer can be exacerbated due to longer exposures.

2. Road Dust: Main pollutants from road dust are particulates, mainly PM2.5 and PM10. Road dust contributes to about 31% of Mumbai's particulate concentrations. Short-term effects include irritation in the eyes, nose, throat, respiratory tract infections, shortness of breath, sneezing, coughing, etc. Cardiorespiratory diseases can worsen with long-term exposure.

3. Landfills and waste burning: Landfill sites are a major issue in Mumbai, especially since garbage is burned on a large scale, polluting the air. Other than smoke from the waste burning, landfills produce various toxic gasses like methane, ammonia, carbon dioxide, etc. These poisonous gasses add to the already bad air quality of the city. Citizens who lived nearby to the landfill area reported more illnesses, such as flu, eye discomfort, and bodily weakness than those who lived farther away. Continuous inhalation of these pollutants can cause nausea, vomiting, and loss of coordination and higher concentrations can even lead to death.

4. Construction Activities: Coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, lung cancer, strokes, cardiorespiratory diseases, and asthma exacerbation can all be symptoms of pollution from a construction site. As a short-term side effect of living near a construction site, residents may experience a cough or shortness of breath.

The Mumbai government has issued health advice and taken steps. These are:

For various phases of air quality, SAFAR (System of Air Quality and Weather Forecasting And Research) issued a standard health guideline:

1. Patients with asthma must keep medications available at all times. When they go outside, they should use N-95 masks and respirators.

2. Wet Mopping is recommended to dusting.

3. All Mumbai citizens were warned to avoid going outside in the morning hours and after sundown.

4. Sensitive populations should avoid any outside physical activity and stay indoors as much as possible.

5. Keep doors and windows closed as much as possible.

To address this ever-increasing problem, strict implementation of the Construction & Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016, which demand a safe and effective waste disposal system, could be the first step.

Terus Pantau Mumbai polusi udara
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