News Flash: “Pink Floyd’s David Gilmour sells guitars to Fight Climate Crisis”

David Gilmour, the legendary guitarist, singer, and songwriter of the acclaimed rock band Pink Floyd has set a record last week. He auctioned 126 of his own guitars to make $21.5 million for ClientEarth – A Non-profit environmental law group that is dedicated to fighting the global climate crises.


CNN also reported that the auction had bids from over 66 countries and lasted for 8 hours. Gilmour wrote on Twitter that “The global climate crisis is the greatest challenge that humanity will ever face, and we are within a few years of the effects of global warming being irreversible.” The 16-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg recently pointed out that “Either we choose to go on as a civilization, or we don’t.” David also said that the choice is as simple as what Greta pointed out. He wishes that his contribution to ClientEarth will help with their fight against real change. He also said that he wishes that we have a civilization that lives healthy for a long time so that these guitars can be used in the coming generations.

The auction’s biggest sell was the iconic black Fender Stratocaster that Gilmour used to record the band’s best selling album “The Dark Side of the Moon,” “Wish You Were Here” and “The Wall.” Firstly racked at $100,000 to $150,000, the guitar’s sell went relentlessly when the bidding drove to a crazy world-record breaking sales price of $3,975,000. 

Jim Irsay, who bought the guitar plans a public display of the collectible. ClientEarth CEO James Thornton called the donation “truly humbling and extraordinary.” Selling these pop-culture phenomenons for a good cause is the biggest thing a rockstar could do. David is willing to let go off his most dire possessions for the planet, so why can’t we step forward too? 

Related to – Pink Floyd’s David Gilmour sells guitars to Fight Climate Crisis – CNN, HuffPost

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