Quality sleep is the cornerstone for optimal health and vitality. Since it not only rejuvenates our bodies but also helps in mind-rejuvenating. However, many points influence our sleep quality. One of the main reasons is the air quality we breathe. Did you know our entire health depends on our sleeping? Either it can make our day happy, productive and full of energy. Or it can make you tired, sleepy and irritating for the entire day. Hence, it has a relation to influencing our physical and mental health. There is a strong connection between the sleep and air quality.

At present, poor sleep is affecting many people. The poor sleep cycle is linked to a high risk of various problems. Including, heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, depression and dementia (source: Penn Medicine). Do you know the air quality can be responsible for your poor sleep? Yes, many studies have proved the correlation between air quality and sleep. Let us delve into the sleep and air quality connection. 

Why is good quality sleep essential?

Sleep is just not for only resting. Since, it is crucial for our overall health and function. Do you know that 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep is necessary for every human being? It helps in maintaining the functions of our body and mind. According to a report by NIH states, every human requires a minimum of 7 hours of sleep every day. Since it helps in the proper cognitive and behavioural function (Source: NIH). Adequate sleep helps in improving mood, enhancing immune function, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Such as diabetes and cardiovascular disorders. Check out what issues you can face due to poor sleep :

Adequate sleep causes many affects

Repeatedly sickness: 

Do you know there are high chances of getting sick if we do not get enough sleep? Yes as per a paper published in a Journal states (source: Dr. Laura Lambert Rampe). It has found that the body releases hormones to repair the damage while we sleep. Moreover, it cleanses the liver and helps in breaking down fat with muscle build-up. With it, the lack of sleep can lead to heart disease and stroke. However, allergies can also disrupt sleep by causing awakenings and make us sick.

Psychological conditions: 

The poor sleep cycle leads to various psychological illnesses. A person can face anxiety, depression, irritation, easily frustrated, poor attention and other states. Hence, it is responsible for Premature mortality and increases its rate. Moreover, poor sleep due to pollution levels can affect employee performance in offices. It happens when you do not get adequate sleep because of poor oxygen levels and more pollutants. 

Delayed cognitive development in children: 

Air pollution highly affects the cognitive development in children. Besides, poor sleep due to high contaminant levels leads to poor cognitive growth. Since it can cause explicit memory issues, poor concentration and poor performance in schools. Hence, it increases tiredness and fatigue. Many reports have claimed allergies and irritation affect the teenagers’ sleep cycle.  

How does Air Quality impact on your Sleep Health?

The air quality we breathe plays a pivotal role in our sleep patterns. It can be responsible for our sleep quality. The journal published in “Environmental Health Perspectives” has found a compelling connection between poor air quality and sleep disturbance.

Comparison between polluted and clean bedroom.

You might wonder how this is possible. Well, the air quality we breathe is not clean. Because it carries many pollutants including particulate matter, volatile organic compounds, allergens and others. These can trigger the respiratory irritations in any person. And it leads to sleep cycle disturbance. The following are the sources of indoor air pollution that can affect your sleep quality: 

Pollutant sources in bedroom

1. Tobacco smoke: 

Tobacco smoke has various harmful chemicals. As a result, it can cause conditions related to respiratory conditions. Since it emits high levels of CO, VOCs and nicotine. Tobacco smoke increases the chances of COPD, heart disease, High BP, and cancer risk. 

2. Wooden furniture and Mattress: 

Household furniture items release VOCs and Formaldehyde in the air. It emits because of the coating and paints used on the furniture wood. With it, the old mattress is also the house of dust mites. It can cause various problems including eye, nose and throat irritation is extreme problems. 

3. Pet-related allergens:

Pet dander, fur, and saliva can cause many issues. You can face wheezing, sneezing and other issues. Various respiratory conditions can disrupt your sleep patterns. For this, pet grooming and hygiene are a must to improve the air quality. 

4. Air fresheners and Incense sticks: 

Some household products have room temperature evaporating levels. It releases harmful compounds like volatile organic compounds VOCs, particulate matter, ozone and formaldehyde. These cause respiratory irritations, and many allergies and affect your sleep pattern.

5. Ventilation and cleaning practices: 

Poor cleaning habits increase the dust mites, pollen and mould spores. It is greatly responsible for emitting airborne particles in the air. Besides, poor ventilation increases CO2 levels. It leads to headaches, uneasiness and obstructive sleep apnea.

How to improve air quality for better sleep?

Well, you can easily improve your sleep quality by focusing on the air quality. For this, the best options are available to increase the air quality. Consequently, it will help in making your sleep cycle better and improve your overall health. Here are some points to consider that will help in improving your air quality:

Enhancing ventilation

Enhancing ventilation: 

You can improve the ventilation for better airflow. Since a study published in “Indoor Air,” 2016 has found it. (Source: National Library of Medicine) Hence, They state that high ventilation rates can reduce CO2 levels in the nighttime. Hence, it improves the air quality for better sleep quality. 

Monitor air quality and humidity

Monitor Humidity and Air Quality: 

You can opt for air quality monitoring devices. Because smart monitoring devices can help track air quality and humidity. Through it, you can take corrective actions to maintain the required levels. Moreover, advanced technologies can also support improvement. Thus, it can automatically turn on the air purifiers while you are sleeping. 

consider air purifier for better sleep and air quality

Consider Air Purifiers:

Air purifiers with HEPA+ filters can help in removing pollutants in the air. Since, it can improve the quality of sleep by reducing the allergy chances. As per a research published in “Sleep and Breathing” Journal published. It states that HEPA+ air purifiers in bedrooms help in reducing pollutants. Hence, it improves the sleep quality. 

Opt Green spaces for better sleep and air quality

Green spaces: 

You can invest in indoor plants or grow more plants near your house. Since these serve as natural filters by absorbing pollutants. Thus, it helps in improving the air quality at night time as well. Through it, you can enhance the sleep quality and improve overall health. 

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