The day is not too far when people will go out with gas chambers in order to breathe properly in the pollution-ridden wasteland. The scenarios showcased in sci-fi movies with fast flying cars and high-rise apartments standing tall on the grounds of our carbon footprints will come true if we don’t pay any heed to the grave concern that there is: Pollution.

In the year 2018, people have complained about health issues like difficulty in breathing, burning sensation in the eye, headache etc and it is due to the unprecedented rise in air pollution. The situation is only worsening and people in the big cities are facing a whole lot with every passing day.

It doesn’t really matter if you are residing in urban colonies or rural area pollution has taken a hold of your life and is slowly deteriorating your health.


People in India need to understand that pollution has become our enemy and it is about time we fix our wrongdoings and make a better place for generations to come. 

After years of ongoing research, scientists claim that we are endangering our lives every day and nearing apocalypse with our ill-treatment of the environment. Throwing garbage in the streets is one example which is a common doing. Wasting water or over-consumption of energy is another case which can be easily controlled. Yet, we continue doing it in spite of the clear indication that it is not helping us in the first place. 

These petty examples mentioned above are far from the bigger problems we have created for ourselves. With deforestation, industrial pollution, transportation emission we are slowly leaning towards a complete disaster.


Human nature is strange. In spite of knowing the adverse effect of pollution, we all keep ignoring the fact that pollution is harming our health tenfolds. Cancer, infertility, blindness, defect in the time of birth, premature birth or death can all be caused due to environmental pollution. We are exposing ourselves to a heightened environmental crisis by succumbing to a slow, gradual fall into a metaphorical black hole.

Pollution is one of the root causes of climate change but us ill-equipped human beings fail to understand that our behavior towards the environment is changing the course of nature with every passing second.

Environmentalists have declared that by the year 2050, a lot of living species will already be extinct and the rest will probably lead in the same direction. If this horrifying truth is not taken into consideration seriously, the ecosystem is heading towards unfathomable chaos that will be too hard to stop.


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