Have you been falling sick? Or complaining about headache, irritable mood and sore throat? Summer air pollution is invisible yet dangerous to human health. With the pollution level hitting the sky, these days no one really enjoys the summer heat. Air pollution has become an all-time season in the country, making it unbearable for people to breathe clean air.

Walking outside, or trying to jog has become a daunting task, especially on hot summer days. Hence, it is important to keep a check on the air quality. These apps provide health recommendations based on the air quality in your location. Although actions have been taken against reducing air pollution however the trends on the improvement have gradually slowed down.

Here’s what you can do to protect yourself from summer air pollution.

Check the forecast:

www.aqi.in provides you real-time air quality information along with health recommendation based on pollution in your area. It is always advised to check air quality whenever you decide to step outside your home, office or any indoor living space. It is observed that children and people who are prone to allergies get affected more than the people who do not have any health issues. Hence, avoid stepping outside without checking pollution forecast.

Don’t skip exercise:

We all are well aware of the benefits of exercise. However, according to Robert Brook, M.D., a professor of medicine at the University of Michigan, “But it’s silly to exercise in pollutants when you don’t have to.” Although it is advised not to exercise outdoors during high pollution days, at the same time, skipping physical activities is also not a good thing. Exercising is important to keep your body fit and healthy. Hence, exercise indoors when/if the pollution level is high.  

summer air pollution

Limit carbon footprints:

A lot of people already know the term CARBON FOOTPRINTS. It is extremely important to understand the term well enough. According to the American Lung Association (ALA), try to limit your own production of pollutants in the environment. A lot of times, people unknowingly contribute to air pollution. Either by burning garbage, throwing waste outside, wasting water, buying plastic, etc. This only leads to an increased pollution level in the city.

Start with: Do not smoke indoors, avoiding burning woods or trash, carpool or use public transport, use energy-saving home appliances.

Filter the air:

During pollution days, when you step outside, wear an antipollution mask. This way, you protect yourself from the harmful effects of summer air pollution. These masks have special PM 2.5 filtration technology that filters the air you breathe. Although indoor air pollution is 10 times more dangerous than outdoor air pollution, installing indoor air purifier can help reduce the pollution level. These purifiers have HEPA filters which clean indoor pollutants using 6 different kinds of filtration stage.

Pay attention:

Indoors or outdoors, it is important to always pay attention to air quality. “It’s helpful to check out the daily levels of summer air pollution, but you should also trust your own feelings of discomfort since everyone reacts slightly differently. When the air is starting to make you feel bad, that’s a sign you should avoid strenuous outdoor activity”, Kevin Cromar, Ph.D., director of the Air Quality Program and clinical associate professor at the New York University Marron Institute of Urban Management.

We hope you understand how summer air pollution is affecting the lives of people in the country and the different ways you can tackle the rising pollution level. Read more information on air pollution, news, and updates on the pollution trends in the country.

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