In many areas of the world, air pollution is exceeding its level day-by-day. Due to which a large number of people are struggling with a myriad of health issues. Many statistics are revealed to date, which says China and India are the most polluted countries. Since 2010 to 2015, China has controlled the levels of pollution by 17% whereas India has increased its mark by 13% in the same years. It is not a surprise to know that Delhi has topped the rank by becoming the most polluted city in this world.

However, we need to fight against this life-threatening air pollution and at the same time, we need to stay safe as well. There are many people who are taking some protective measures to stay safe but a lot of them are still not aware of its harm to their life.

In this blog post, AQI India is going to share some useful tips which will help you to cope with this Air Pollution. Continue reading to know what you should do and what you should avoid doing.

  • Try Exercising During Off-hours: You should be very careful about the environment where you are exercising. As you inhale more while workout, you inhale more pollution if you are not in the safe zone. Try to avoid exercising during peak-hours.
  • Avoid Eating Street Food: Mark my words! Street food is very harmful to your health. However, you need to have it when there is no other option but it’s better if you avoid having it in your routine diet. You are not just eating the food but also the pollutants present in it.
  • Eat a Healthy Diet: Check out your daily diet and change it if you don’t find it healthy. You can easily deal with the pollution if your immune system is strong enough. Add more food to your diet which is rich in vitamin C, magnesium and omega fatty acids.
  • Monitor Air Pollution Levels: Always keep a check of the air pollution levels before leaving your home. If it warns you, then increase your protection or avoid stepping out. If you still need to go outside then use an air-purifying respirator mask.
  • If you have a breathing problem, keep all prescribed medicines: People with respiratory problems need to take some extra care of their health in pollution. Keep some medicines along with you wherever you go.
  • Stay covered: Covering your body helps you a lot! The chances of experiencing troubles due to pollution lower down to half when your body parts are fully covered.

Final Thoughts

There are many more things which need to be considered while you step out of your house. Though, you can begin with the above six tips and experience the change. You will feel healthier and stronger to cope with this life-threatening Air Pollution. Stay Safe & Stay Protected!

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